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European Citizens' Initiative


Get a greater say in the policies that affect your life. The European Citizens' Initiative is a unique way for you to help shape the EU by calling on the European Commission to propose new laws. Once an initiative has reached 1 million signatures, the Commission will decide on what action to take. See how it works step by step

If you consider starting an initiative, consult the ECI Forum for legal and practical advice.

The European Citizens’ Initiative: Your right as an EU citizen 

Latest news

screenshot of the Forum website
  • 23/01/2025
The revamped ECI Forum website is live

The European Citizens’ Initiative Forum has been restructured to better meet the needs of ECI organisers at all the steps of the process - from preparing their initiative for registration up to the verification and examination phases. The improved version of the ECI Forum facilitates users’ access to thematic guidance, success stories and expert advice. Check it out!


  • 21/01/2025
New initiative registered: ‘HouseEurope! Power to Renovation’

On 21 January the Commission registered a European citizens' initiative entitled ‘HouseEurope! Power to Renovation’

It calls on the Commission to propose legislation that creates incentives to renovate and transform existing buildings. 

The initiative organisers have six months to open the signature collection.  

Logo of Stop Finning EU
  • 17/12/2024
Follow-up to the successful ECI “Stop Finning – Stop the Trade”

The European Commission is actively following up to the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) 'Stop finning – Stop the trade,' which asked the Commission for action to end international trade of loose shark fins. 

From January 2025, the Commission will step up monitoring of shark product trade thanks to 13 new tariff codes for sharks and their fins. These codes will enable the tracking of the most traded shark species.

The Commission has also completed the consultation stage of its impact assessment on a trade ban on detached fins and a range of alternative policy measures, conducted in response to the ECI. Find out more on the EU sharks’ protection and management page.

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