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European Citizens' Initiative

Communication material

Spread the word!

Since 2012, more than 1000 people have started European citizens’ initiatives, while more than 20 million signatures of support have been collected. Find more facts and figures here.

Taking part in European democracy is every EU citizen’s right – whether by signing or starting a citizens’ initiative. The European Citizens’ Initiative ambassadors help us reach people across the EU. 

You can also get involved by spreading the word to make the ECI tool better known. Use your voice and communication channels to promote the ECI among your networks! 

Curious how you can get started? The ECI Advocacy Handbook provides an overview of key messages, dates and ways to share information on the ECI. It gives details on the materials below – and how you can re-use them or take inspiration for your context.  

You can also subscribe to the monthly ECI Newsletter for the latest news.

ECI Advocacy Handbook

An overview of how to communicate about the ECI – including key messages, dates and resources.

Advocacy handbook cover page with title and ECI logo
European Citizens’ Initiative: Advocacy Handbook

Guide, leaflet and postcard

Materials to hand out, send out or to help you present the ECI.

A guide to the European Citizens' Initiative, the ECI leaflet and the promotional postcard are available for download in all EU languages from the Publications Office.

front cover of ECI guide
front cover of ECI leaflet
front of ECI postcard

Videos and podcast

Videos covering many elements of the European Citizens’ Initiative – from what the citizens' initiative is to the impact it has on organisers’ lives – are available in all official EU languages. Please select your language in each video’s menu – either the full version (with the icon of headphones) or subtitles. 

The CitizenCentral podcast (recorded between 2021 and 2023) shares the stories of initiative organisers. Listen to it (in English only) on our dedicated podcast page or your favourite streaming platform.

The European Citizens’ Initiative: Your right as an EU citizen 
How many Europeans does it take to change a lightbulb?
European Citizens’ Initiative – What causes do you care about? - Voiceover
What can you achieve with the European Citizens’ Initiative?
How much power do you have? European Citizens’ Initiative – Take the Initiative
European Citizens’ Initiative : Connecting actions
snap shot from the video
Short video (15") - The European Citizens’ Initiative: Your right as an EU citizen
(Format = 9:16; length = 15")
Young man holding a sign that reads 'Speak directly to decision makers'
General Awareness video (38") - featuring ECI Ambassadors
2 videos - square and vertical

Social media tools

Join the European Citizens’ Initiative Official Facebook group and use/follow #EUTakeTheInitiative for the latest social media updates.

Below you can find sample posts, visuals and GIFs to get started.

Social media sample posts (multilingual file)


 Sample visuals with full colour
three young people carrying EU flag with illustrative elements
three people with decorative elements
crowd of people waving and decorative elements
three young people carrying EU flag
Social Media - visuals template (full colour)
 Sample visuals with black and white images
Woman with megaphone
Man and woman talking
Group of people taking selfie
part of sample image
Social Media - visuals template (with black and white images)
part of sample image
Social Media visuals (Quotes from 4 ECI organisers)
GIFs - Discuss / Discover / Connect, etc.
GIFs - Make a difference / Get involved / Step-by-Step

General infographics and factsheets

See an overview of facts and figures in these documents.

Part of page 1
General Factsheet
Small image of the ePoster 'Use Your Power' explaining how you can take action
Part of page 1
Where can I make a difference?
view of the top part of the document
Infographic - ECI Step-by-Step
Factsheet - 2023 ECI review

Factsheets on successful ECIs

Learn more about successful European citizens’ initiatives with the help of the factsheets below. The most important information about each initiative is available at a quick glance.

Picture of the first page of the factsheet
Factsheet - Successful Initiatives - Fur Free Europe
 Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Save cruelty free cosmetics
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Save cruelty free cosmetics
Factsheet - Successful Initiatives - Stop Finning-Stop the trade
Factsheet - Successful Initiatives - Stop Finning-Stop the trade
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Save bees and farmers
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – End the Cage Age
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Minority SafePack 
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Ban Glyphosate 
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Stop Vivisection 
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – Right2Water 
top of page 1
Factsheet – Successful Initiatives – One of Us 

ECI quizzes

There are two ways to test your knowledge on the European Citizens’ Initiative. Use the digital quiz (which is more serious) or download the ‘comedy quiz’ document.

Comedy quiz

Web banners

Promote the ECI with these web banners. All languages available.

Web banners

Additional resources

ECI Forum infographic – country- and initiative-specific data about citizens’ initiatives, signatures collected, the organisers, finances and more. Updated yearly before the summer.

ECI Forum Blogs and Success Stories – to help get first-hand perspectives, advice, and lessons from citizens’ initiative oranisers and other members of the ECI network. 

Looking for a broader perspective? The Have Your Say Portal explores the various tools available to EU citizens to contribute to EU policies, such as Public Consultations and Feedback opportunities, or joining a debate as part of the Citizens’ Engagement Platform. 

Want to learn and collaborate?