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European Citizens' Initiative

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Initiative answered (successful)
  • 15/01/2021
European Commission replies to ‘Minority Safepack' initiative

The European Commission published its response to the European citizens' initiative ‘Minority Safepack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe', the fifth successful initiative supported by over 1 million citizens across the EU. Read the Commission communication.

Logo ReclaimYourFace
  • 07/01/2021
New initiative for ‘a ban on biometric mass surveillance practices' registered

The Commission has registered today a new European citizens' initiative: ‘Civil society initiative for a ban on biometric mass surveillance practices'. The organisers urge the Commission to propose a legal act to permanently end indiscriminate and arbitrarily-targeted uses of biometric data in ways which can lead to mass surveillance or any undue interference with fundamental rights.

Policy updates
  • 23/12/2020
The Commission grants extensions to citizens' initiatives due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Due to the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission decided on 17 December to grant a three month extension for citizens' initiatives which were in the process of collecting statements of support on 1 November 2020. Organisers of the initiatives concerned have been notified by the Commission. Read the text of the Commission implementing decision.

Logo EuropeanCitizensInitiativeWeek
  • 25/11/2020
European Citizens’ Initiative Week

The European Citizens’ Initiative Week took place online from 16 to 20 November 2020. Kick-started by Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová, the event brought together high level representatives from the European institutions, the civil society and citizens’ initiatives organisers. If you have missed-out on the event, the recordings for each session are now available.

Meeting with EC
  • 30/10/2020
The European Commission receives the organisers of the 'End the Cage Age' Initiative

The organisers of the ‘End the Cage Age’ initiative have met with Vice-President for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová and Commissioner for Health & Food Safety Stella Kyriakides.

Hearing in EP
  • 13/10/2020
Public hearing on ‘Minority Safepack - one million signatures for diversity in Europe’

The European Parliament will hold a public hearing on the fifth successful European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Minority Safepack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe’ on 15 October from 9.00 to 13.00. Due to current COVID-19 constraints, the meeting will be held partly remotely with limited physical presence in the room, but will be fully webstreamed for the public.

Logo RightToCure
  • 21/08/2020
New initiative registered: Right to Cure

The Commission has registered today, 21 August 2020, a new citizens' initiative: Right to Cure. The organisers now have up to 6 months to start the collection of statements of support from citizens across Europe.

Policy updates
  • 16/07/2020
COVID-19: new rules for the European citizens’ initiative adopted

On 15 July 2020, the European Parliament and the Council adopted temporary measures to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of the European citizens' initiative. Find out more

Policy updates
  • 19/05/2020
COVID-19: Commission proposal concerning time limits for the European citizens’ initiatives

The European Commission has adopted today a proposal for a Regulation allowing to extend the time limits for the collection, verification and examination phases applicable to European citizens’ initiatives.

Regarding the collection phase in particular, an extension of 6 months to the existing 12-month period is proposed for initiatives whose collection of signatures was ongoing on the day COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by WHO (11 March 2020).

The final text of this Regulation will become applicable once it has been adopted by the European Parliament and by the Council.

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