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European Citizens' Initiative

Latest news

  • 01/02/2022
New communication materials – Spread the word!

New or updated communication materials explaining the European Citizens’ Initiative have been uploaded on the ‘Spread the Word’ page.

Factsheets, social media posts, visuals, videos and more are ready for reuse in 24 languages.

IT developments
  • 01/02/2022
New functionalities in the ECI Central Online Collection System

A new version of the ECI Central Online Collection System (COCS) application has been released recently. It includes the brand-new EU Captcha (security module for checking whether the user is human) which is open source, multilingual and GDPR-compliant.
The new COCS also offers initiative organisers detailed statistics on the use of the system for the collection of signatures. The majority of open initiatives use COCS, and all new initiatives registered from 1 January 2023 will be required to use it.

  • 15/12/2021
Listen to the fifth episode of the CitizenCentral podcast!

The fifth episode of the podcast series on the European Citizens’ Initiative, CitizenCentral, is now live on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts and SoundCloud.

In this episode, entitled 'Conscious consumers – meet Europeans fighting climate change in creative ways', the featured ongoing ECIs are Ban Fossil Fuel Ads and European EcoScore. You can also hear from experts and activists in relevant fields.

New initiative registered
  • 14/12/2021
Commission decides on requests for registration of two new European Citizens' Initiatives

Today, the Commission decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled ‘The Green VAT - An EU Green VAT to stimulate sustainable and eco-friendly products and services’. The organisers of the initiative call on the Commission to propose a legal act with the aim of ‘reducing the VAT rate for green products and services’.

Also today, the Commission had to refuse the registration of the ‘EVE initiative for the creation of the right to decide’. This refusal, first since the introduction of the new rules in January 2020, followed on a two-stage procedure. At the first stage, the organisers were invited to amend their initial initiative, taking into account the first assessment of the Commission.

  • 02/12/2021
The fourth episode of CitizenCentral podcast is live

The fourth episode of the podcast series on the European Citizens’ Initiative, CitizenCentral, is now live on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts and SoundCloud.

In this episode, related to fundamental and social rights, the featured ongoing ECIs are Civil society initiative for a ban on biometric mass surveillance practices and Start Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) throughout the EU. You can also hear from a technology ethics and rights specialist, an investigative journalist and a Future of Work expert.


  • 29/10/2021
Workshop on sources of funding for ECIs - 10 November 2021, 14:00-16:30 CET

Workshop for (potential) organisers of European citizens’ initiatives, to discover how to find funds for the initiative, how to report donations and to gather tips for fundraising strategy.

Workshop organised by Democracy International, under subcontract of the European Commission.

10 November, 14:00-16:30 CET. Register here.

  • 29/10/2021
CitizenCentral podcast: listen to the the third episode!

The third episode of the new podcast series on the European Citizens’ Initiative, CitizenCentral, is now live on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts and SoundCloud.

In this episode, covering environmental topics on land and in the sea, two ongoing ECIs are featured: ‘Stop Finning – Stop the Trade’ and ‘Green Garden Roof Tops’. You can also hear from a representative of a closed initiative  ‘Grow Scientific Progress: crops matter’ or marine biologists.


Logo CallToAction
  • 27/10/2021
New initiative registered: ‘Call to Action – Environmental protection in all policies'

The Commission has registered today a new European citizens' initiative, entitled ‘Call to Action – Environmental protection in all policies'.

This is the tenth new initiative registered in 2021. Its organisers have six months now to chose the moment to start the collection of support.

  • 26/10/2021
CitizenCentral podcast: the second episode is live!

The second episode of the new podcast series on the European Citizens’ Initiative, CitizenCentral, has just been released on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and SoundCloud.

The 'Citizen Central' series puts the spotlight on the people behind European citizens’ initiatives. Organisers, policy experts and citizens share their views about the topics raised by various initiatives.

In the second episode you can hear from the organisers of the Civil Servant Exchange Program (CSEP) and Voters Without Borders initiatives and other speakers who care about participating in democracy.

  • 25/10/2021
Online course on the European Citizens' Initiative is open now

The online courseon Essential Skills for European Citizens’ Initiative Organisers is now open on the EU Academy. It focuses on practical aspects of the European Citizens’ Initiative and gives users an opportunity to learn about the process and practice of developing successful European citizens’ initiatives, under the guidance of established experts. Upon completion of the course participants receive a certificate. The course is offered for free and is open until 10 December 2021.

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