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European Citizens' Initiative

Latest news

  • 05/10/2021

Webinar: 'The European Citizens’ Initiative and how to collect signatures', 7 October 2021

Join ECI Forum experts and the ECI organisers Helmut Burtscher-Schaden ('Save bees and farmers!) and Attila Dabis (‘Cohesion policy for the equality of regions and sustainability of regional cultures’) to learn more about collecting statements of support for a European citizens' initiative. The webinar will also allow participants to learn more about the European Citizens’ Initiative as a tool to impact European public policy making. Find out more on the event webpage.

  • 21/09/2021

CitizenCentral: the first ECI podcast is live!

A new podcast series on the European Citizens’ Initiative, CitizenCentral, puts the spotlight on the people behind European citizens’ initiatives. Organisers, policy experts and citizens share their views about the topics raised by various initiatives.

The first episode, featuring the initiatives ‘Fridays for Future’ and ‘Save Bees and Farmers’, is now available on SoundCloud.

New episodes of the CitizenCentral podcast series will be released soon.

Logo StopTradeWithSettlements
  • 08/09/2021

New initiative registered: ‘Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law’

Today, the European Commission decided to register a European citizens' initiative entitled ‘Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law’.

The organisers of the initiative call on the Commission to ‘propose legal acts based on the Common Commercial Policy to prevent EU legal entities from both importing products originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories and exporting to such territories, in order to preserve the integrity of the internal market and to not aid or assist the maintenance of such unlawful situations.’

It is important to highlight that the initiative invites the Commission to submit a proposal for a legal act under the Common Commercial Policy, which is general in nature and does not target a specific country or territory.

Logo ReturnThePlastics
  • 13/08/2021

New initiative registered: ‘ReturnthePlastics: A Citizen’s Initiative to implement an EU-wide deposit-system to recycle plastic bottles’

The Commission has registered a new European citizens' initiative ‘ReturnthePlastics: A Citizen’s Initiative to implement an EU-wide deposit-system to recycle plastic bottles’.

The organisers of the ‘ReturnthePlastics: A Citizen’s Initiative to implement an EU-wide deposit-system to recycle plastic bottles’ initiative call on the Commission to present a proposal to:

  • implement an EU-wide deposit-system to recycle plastic bottles,
  • incentivise all EU Member States that supermarkets (chains) which are selling plastic bottles install reverse vending machines for recycling the plastic bottles after being purchased and used by the consumer, and
  • make the plastic bottle producing companies pay plastic taxes for the recycling and deposit-system of the plastic bottles (under the principle that the polluter should pay).

This is the seventh new initiative that is registered in 2021.

Policy updates
  • 15/07/2021

Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová debates the follow-up to successful ECIs in the European Parliament

On 15 July, Věra Jourová, the Vice-President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency, participated in an exchange of views with the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions. The subject was: the follow-up to the successful European citizens’ initiatives.

The Vice-President described the next steps for the ‘End the Cage Age’ initiative, as well as the actions taken on the previous answered initiatives. She replied in detail to the questions and comments made by the Members. Watch the recording here.

Initiative answered (successful)
  • 30/06/2021

European Commission replies to ‘End the Cage Age' initiative

The European Commission published its response to the European citizens' initiative ‘End the Cage Age', the sixth successful initiative supported by over 1 million citizens across the EU.

Read the Commission communication, press release and watch the video.

New initiative registered
  • 30/06/2021

New initiatives registered: ‘European EcoScore’ and ‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without animal testing’

The Commission has registered today two new European citizens' initiatives.

‘European EcoScore’

The organisers of the ‘European EcoScore’ initiative call on the Commission to propose ‘a reliable European EcoScore’ – a mandatory label providing consumers with information about the environmental impact of products manufactured or sold on the EU market. The label would be based on a standardised calculation, starting with food and clothing but ultimately aiming to cover all types of products.

‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without animal testing’

The organisers of the ‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without animal testing’ initiative call on the Commission to propose legislation, which would strengthen and broaden the existing EU bans on animal testing for cosmetics and the marketing of ingredients tested on animals. The legislation would also set out a roadmap to phase out all animal testing before the end of the Commission’s current mandate.

With these two registrations, the number of new initiatives registered in the first half of 2021 is 6.

Logo BanFossilFuelAds
  • 16/06/2021

New initiative registered: ‘Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorship'

The Commission registered today a new European citizens' initiative.

The organisers of the ‘Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorship' initiative invite the Commission to propose a ban on advertising and sponsoring that support and promote the market for fossil fuels and for all types of vehicles using those fuels (excluding the vehicles dedicated to transport services of general economic interest).

This is the fourth initiative registered in 2021.

  • 11/06/2021

European Parliament adopts resolution on “End the Cage Age”

In their resolution on the “End the Cage Age” European citizens’ initiative, Members of the European Parliament ask the Commission to come up with legislative proposals to ban caged farming in the EU, possibly already by 2027, following an appropriate transition period and after a solid scientific impact assessment has been carried out.

The resolution was adopted on 10 June with 558 votes in favour to 37 against, and 85 abstentions.

Watch the recording of the debate in the plenary session on the EP website.

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