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Legfrissebb hírek

Logo Fraternité2020
  • 08/05/2012
Europe Day sees launch of first European Citizens' Initiative
Ez a tartalom magyar nyelven nem áll rendelkezésre, de gépi fordítással lefordítható a „Legfrissebb hírek” oldalon.

The European Commission will mark Europe Day tomorrow (9 May) by registering the very first European Citizens' Initiative.

"Fraternité 2020 – Mobility. Progress. Europe" is the title of the first initiative, proposed by a committee of EU citizens living in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania and Spain. Their stated motivation is to "enhance EU exchange programmes – like Erasmus or the European Voluntary Service – in order to contribute to a united Europe based on solidarity among citizens".

Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič said: "I am thrilled that European Citizens' Initiatives are finally a reality. This is a great boost for participatory democracy in Europe. Now the race is on to see which initiative will be the first to gather one million signatures."

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