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Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīva

Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīvas vēstneši

ECI ambassadors logo

Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīvas vēstneši popularizē iniciatīvu, stimulē debates un mudina pilsoņus rīkoties saistībā ar viņiem svarīgiem jautājumiem.

Iniciatīvas vēstneši strādā dažādās Eiropas, valstu vai reģionālās organizācijās, bet viņiem visiem ir kas kopīgs – ekspertu zinātība un pieredze līdzdalības demokrātijā un kopīgs mērķis veicināt pilsoņu iesaistīšanos politikas veidošanā.

Satieciet EPI vēstnešus tiešsaistes un klātienes pasākumos un sekojiet viņiem sociālajos medijos!

National Federation of Polish NGOs logo

National Federation of Polish NGOs (OFOP)

As the National Federation of Polish NGOs (OFOP), we believe in the power of civil society, and we practice democracy.
  • Darbības vieta: Poland
Image of Nikos Papakostas

Nikos Papakostas, Inter Alia

Nikos Papakostas is a political scientist and one of the partners and founders of Inter Alia.
  • Darbības vieta: Greece
Petra Pospíšilová

Petra Pospíšilová

Petra Pospíšilová is the Office and Project Coordinator at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.
  • Darbības vieta: Czechia

Pulse of Europe e.V.

Pulse of Europe is a movement of European civil society - non-partisan and independent. As a network of committed citizens, we are united by a common conviction despite our diverse political and social positions.
  • Darbības vieta: EU-wide
Rafał Dymek

Rafał Dymek, Polish Robert Schuman Foundation

Rafał Dymek is Director of the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation and guides its activities with the aim to motivate Polish and European citizens to become politically active, strengthen civil society and promote European values.
  • Darbības vieta: Poland
Sebastian Berchesan

Sebastian Berchesan, Stand Up for Europe

Sebastian Berchesan is the Executive Secretary of Stand Up for Europe, managing the local and European projects in connection to strengthening democratic values, participation and engagement of young people in decision-making processes.
  • Darbības vieta: Belgium
The Good Lobby logo

The Good Lobby Italia

The Good Lobby is a non-profit civic start up committed to equalising access to power for a more democratic and inclusive society.
  • Darbības vieta: Italy
LDUK logo

The Lithuanian College of Democracy

The Lithuanian College of Democracy (LDUK) is a scientific tank in promoting democracy through civic engagement and innovation.
  • Darbības vieta: Lithuania
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