Preskoči na glavno vsebino
Evropska državljanska pobuda

Ambasadorji evropske državljanske pobude

ECI ambassadors logo

Ambasadorji evropske državljanske pobude s svojim delom širijo glas o evropski državljanski pobudi in spodbujajo razpravo. Poleg tega državljane spodbujajo, da se angažirajo v zvezi z vprašanji, ki so jim pomembna. Svoje delo opravljajo prostovoljno.

Prihajajo iz različnih organizacij, ki delujejo na evropski, nacionalni ali regionalni ravni, vsem pa je skupno to, da so strokovnjaki za participativno demokracijo s skupnim ciljem spodbujanja vključevanja državljanov v oblikovanje politik.

Spoznajte ambasadorje evropske državljanske pobude na spletnih in nespletnih dogodkih ter jih spremljajte na družbenih medijih.


Poleg tega je vsaka država članica imenovala nacionalne kontaktne točke za pomoč skupinam organizatorjev evropskih državljanskih pobud.

Image of Lexi Jorge
Alexandre Jorge is a Law (University of Porto) and Nuclear Disarmament (UNODA) student, and passionate about participative democracy, the EU and sustainable cities.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v Portugal
Asociacao Mais Cidadania
Associação Mais Cidadania is dedicated to work in three main fields: Citizenship, Social Inclusion and Volunteering.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v Portugal
Image of Assya Kavrakova
Assya Kavrakova is Executive Director of the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) and leads the organisation on its mission to empower citizens in order to create a more inclusive and stronger European Union.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v EU-wide
Image of Bruno Kaufmann
Bruno Kaufmann is President of the Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe (IRI Europe). The organisation helps support the development of the European Citizens´ Initiative with research, publications, educational projects and political advice.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v Sweden
Bulgarian School of Politics logo
Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, which has been training the political and civic leaders of Bulgaria since 2001.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v Bulgaria
Image of Daniela Vancic
Daniela Vancic is European Program Manager at Democracy International and is managing their campaigns for strengthening direct democracy and citizen participation at all political levels.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v EU-wide
Image of Despina Papadaki
Despina Papadaki is a Senior Project Manager at the Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs (I.R.T.E.A.) in Athens, Greece.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v Greece
Image of Yilly Pacheco
Dr. Yilly Pacheco is one of the coordinators of the Erasmus+ project “ECI from A to Z” through which she promotes active citizenship and the use of the European Citizens’ Initiative with university students in Portugal, Germany, Spain, and Romania.
  • Dejaven/dejavna v EU-wide
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