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Europska građanska inicijativa

Najnovije vijesti

Logo LabelVeg
  • 12/11/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers 'Mandatory food labelling Non-Vegetarian / Vegetarian / Vegan' initiative'

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The European Commission has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled 'Mandatory food labelling Non-Vegetarian / Vegetarian / Vegan'.

The initiative states that: "Vegetarians and vegans struggle across the EU to identify suitable food. We must study the ingredients list of a food product to determine if it is fit for purchase with a hyper-awareness of ambiguous ingredients that could either be plant or animal based". The organisers call on the European Commission to propose mandatory pictorial labels on all food products indicating whether they are non-vegetarian, vegetarian, or vegan.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative concerns only the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

Logo EatOriginal
  • 02/10/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers ‘Eat ORIGINal! Unmask your food' initiative

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The College of Commissioners has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled ‘Eat ORIGINal! Unmask your food'.

The stated objective of the proposed Citizens' Initiative is to impose mandatory declarations of origin for all food products in order to prevent fraud, protect public health and guarantee consumers' right to information.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative only concerns the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

Logo StopFraud
  • 27/09/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers ‘Stop fraud and abuse of EU funds' initiative

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The College of Commissioners has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled ‘STOP FRAUD and abuse of EU FUNDS - by better control of decisions, implementation and penalties'.

The proposed Citizens' Initiative calls for the application of enhanced controls and stricter sanctions in Member States which are not part of the European Public Prosecutor's Office to protect the Union's financial interests.

The College Decision notes that statements of support should be collected on the understanding that they would be supporting proposals which do not differentiate between Member States solely according to their participation or non-participation in the European Public Prosecutor's Office. This is because under the Treaties legal acts may not differentiate between Member States solely based on whether they participate in an enhanced cooperation. They can however do so when objectively justified, for example if there are different levels of protection of the financial interests of the Union.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative only concerns the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

Logo EndTheCageAge
  • 11/09/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers 'End the Cage Age' initiative

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The College of Commissioners has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled 'End the Cage Age'.

The stated objectives of the proposed Citizens' Initiative are to end "inhumane treatment of farm animals" kept in cages. The organisers are asking the Commission to propose legislation to prohibit the use of: cages for laying hens, rabbits, pullets, broiler breeders, layer breeders, quail, ducks and geese; farrowing crates for sows; sow stalls and individual calf pens, where not already prohibited.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative concerns only the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

Logo PermanentEuropeanUnionCitizenship
  • 23/07/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers initiative on 'Permanent European Union Citizenship'

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The College of Commissioners has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled 'Permanent European Union Citizenship'.

The main objective of the proposed initiative is to guarantee that European citizenship and its associated rights cannot be lost once they have been attained. The organisers cite in particular the context of Brexit and the future loss of EU citizenship and rights of UK citizens.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative concerns only the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

New initiative registered
  • 19/07/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers initiative to 'Stop starvation for 8% of the European population'

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The College of Commissioners has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled 'Stop starvation for 8% of the European population!'.

The stated objectives of the proposed Citizens' Initiative include "to prompt governments to embrace the hunger problem" and to "emphasize the responsibility of governments to eradicate the problem." The organisers of the Initiative have set out a detailed list of actions where they call on the Commission to make legislative proposals. These range from the creation of a food stamp programme to a reform of agricultural derivatives markets, and a new classification system for food waste with associated targets and processing rules.

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative concerns only the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

Initiative answered (negative)
  • 21/03/2018

European Commission decides not to register European Citizens' Initiative entitled 'British friends – stay with us in the EU'

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.
Logo LetUsHelp
  • 15/02/2018

European Citizens' Initiative: Commission registers 'We are a welcoming Europe, let us help!' initiative

Vijesti nisu dostupne na hrvatskom jeziku, ali se mogu automatski prevesti na" stranici " „Najnovije vijesti”.

The European Commission has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative entitled 'We are a welcoming Europe, let us help!' which states: "Governments are struggling to handle migration. Most of us want to help people in need because we care. Millions have stood up to help. Now we want to be heard. Let's reclaim a Welcoming Europe! We call upon the European Commission to act." The organisers call on the Commission to "support local groups that help refugees… stop governments punishing volunteers… defend victims of exploitation, crime and human rights abuses" (see Annex).

The Commission's decision to register the Initiative concerns only the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.

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