The European Commission has today decided to register a European Citizens' Initiative inviting the Commission "to improve the protection of persons belonging to national and linguistic minorities and strengthen cultural and linguistic diversity in the Union".
This registration follows an initial Commission Decision to refuse to register the 'Minority Safepack' Initiative on 13 September 2013, which was annulled by the General Court of the European Union on 3 February 2017. The Commission has reassessed the proposed Initiative, which requests proposals for 11 legal acts. Further details of the proposed acts can be found in the Annex.
While 2 of the 11 acts manifestly fall outside the framework of the Commission's power to propose legislation , 9 of them do not. Statements of support may therefore be collected on the basis of these 9 proposals.
The Commission's decision to register the Initiative 'Minority SafePack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe' concerns only the legal admissibility of the proposal. The Commission has not analysed the substance at this stage.