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European Citizens' Initiative

Data requirements

Summary of the rules

* Minimum age to support an initiative:

This corresponds to the the age to be entitled to vote in elections to the European Parliament. Countries may decide to lower the age to support to 16 is they so wish.

** Data required:

A: Full first names, Family names, Residence (street, number, postal code, city, country), Date of birth, Date, Signature

B: Full first names, Family names, Personal identification number/personal identification document number, Type of personal identification number or document, Date, Signature


Application of the rules in each country

The Member States are listed alphabetically using the spelling of their source language (protocol order).

 Minimum age to support an initiative *Data required **Type of personal identification number or documents (for B only)eID enabled?
Belgium16BRijksregisternummer / Numéro de Registre National / Nummer des NationalregistersYES
Bulgaria18BЕдинен Граждански НомерNot yet
Czechia18BObčanský průkaz / Cestovní pasYES
Denmark18ANot applicableYES
Germany***16ANot applicableYES
Ireland18ANot applicableNot yet
Greece17ANot applicableNot yet
Spain18BDocumento Nacional de Identidad / PasaporteYES
France18ANot applicableNot yet
Croatia18BOsobni identifikacijski broj (OIB)YES
Italy18BPassaporto / Carta d’identitàYES
Cyprus18BΔελτίο Ταυτότητας / ΔιαβατήριοNot yet
Latvia18BPersonas kodsYES
Lithuania18BAsmens kodasYES
Luxembourg18ANot applicableYES
Hungary18Bszemélyazonosító igazolvány / útlevél / személyi azonosító (személiy szám)Not yet
Malta16BKarta tal-IdentitàYES
Netherlands18ANot applicableYES
Austria16BReisepass / PersonalausweisYES
Poland18BNumer ewidencyjny PESELYES
Portugal18BBilhete de identidade / Passaporte / Cartão de CidadãoYES
Romania18BCarte de identitate / Pașaport / Cod Numeric PersonalNot yet
Slovenia18BEnotna matična številka občana (EMŠO)YES
Slovakia18ANot applicableYES
Finland18ANot applicableNot yet

*** German nationals residing outside the country only if they have registered their current permanent residence at their responsible German diplomatic representation abroad.

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