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Data Protection Guidance - Question 17
Which national supervisory authority should you contact for issues relating to the processing of personal data?
By its nature, the process of collecting statements support in at least seven Member States is cross-border and several data protection authorities (DPA) may be competent.
For all actors concerned, it is easier to deal with only one DPA, which is feasible under the concept of a ‘lead supervisory authority’ or ‘LSA’ under the GDPR. The lead DPA is defined as the supervisory authority of the Member State of the main establishment or of the single establishment of the controller.
However, signatories may lodge a complaint with the LSA or with the DPA of the Member State where they usually reside, their place of work or the place of the alleged infringement if they consider that their data is unlawfully processed.
- Articles 55 and 56 of the GDPR
- List of Data Protection Authorities in all EU Member States